Friday, August 29, 2014

Thank You For Being a Friend

I cross-stitched this sentiment for my friend, Wanda, about fifteen years ago. We spent many hours in conversation over a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of wine, seated at Wanda's kitchen table or mine.  I never got the chance to give Wanda the poem before she passed away in 2004. Actually, I never TOOK the time to frame it and give it to her.  There was always going to be enough time to get around to it.  But there wasn't.

We have moved frequently over the past thirty years, and each time I said goodbye to good friends and moved on to meet new ones.  Some we never saw again, some we kept in touch with for a time,  a few we still see on occasion. 

Over time, it has become more and more difficult for me to form close friendships. The time and emotional output necessary to get to know new people is too tiring and too risky.  It's easier to devote myself to family, home and solitary pursuits.  But I live 150 miles from my sisters, and ninety from my closest sister-in-law, so a cup of coffee at the kitchen table doesn't happen very often.  That's where blog friends fill the gap.

It's hard to believe that friendships can be formed between women who have never met face to face, but I feel like I know so many of you.  I know about your children, your homes, your jobs, your hobbies, and your frustrations.  I've "attended" your children's weddings and your vacations.   I've shared laughter at the everyday craziness of life and shed tears when you opened your heart on a computer screen.  Isn't that what friends do?

When I began my blog-and-life-overhaul a few weeks ago, I was surprised, touched and honored by the comments I received,  both on the blog and by email, from women who connected with this whole "second half" idea.  Thank you, ladies, for opening up and letting me know that I'm not alone in this.  Thank you for being a friend.

I have been delinquent in my half of this friendship.  I let days, and often weeks, go by without visiting blogs.  I have no excuse other than procrastination and poor time management.  I love making the rounds to see what each of you are doing, reading, crafting or just thinking -- but "time thieves" get in the road and I tell myself "there will be time later."  I'm not going to let myself fall for that again.  So start a fresh pot of coffee (or tea, if you prefer) because I'll be by to visit. 

 Today I will take the time to have coffee with a friend.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! Every word you spoke could have come out of my mouth too! Coffee's on, girlfriend.
