
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Spring Reading

Teri's Spring Fling continues on her blog, with a look at new books coming out for some Spring reading.  Because I promised myself and Hubs that I wouldn't buy new books until I've made a dent in the TBR bookshelf, I'm going to keep that list handy when I go to the library. 

As for that promise - - - well, it hasn't been totally successful.  So, to help clean off the bookshelves (and to ease my conscience a bit) I am offering two of my most recent purchases as Spring Fling prizes.  

The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg

Or - - - if you're not quite ready to give up on winter,
Away in a Manger by Rhys Bowen

Just leave a comment and specify which book you would like
 and you will be entered in the random drawing.

Spring Fling

New Spring craft love -
 watercolor on fabric.
 Post coming soon.
Officially, Spring is still a few weeks away, but the temperature is slowly climbing, the geese are headed north (honking loudly over my house) and the daffodils are peaking through the ground.  In honor of all things Spring-ish, my sister, Teri, is hosting a Spring Fling on her blog today.  She's planning her flower garden, issuing some fun challenges, sharing some craft ideas and generally celebrating Spring.  Check in and join the fun - I promise, you will not be required to do any spring cleaning.

Her first question was "What are you planting?"  I have my garden seed order ready - tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, cantaloupe and potatoes.  In the flower beds, I'm adding sunflowers for a touch of Kansas, which will always be home in my heart.  

My entry for the first Spring Fling challenge - a picture from my garden:
One of my favorites - Marigolds.  Love the variety of colors,
not to mention the fact that even I can't kill them.