
Saturday, March 16, 2013

It Sure Is Exquisite . . .

. . . but what the heck is it?  That's what my mother used to say when faced with an object  of questionable purpose.  Do you know what this item is?

That's right!  It's a Baggie Dryer.  I saw this idea on another blog recently and thought it was genius.  I use a lot of plastic bags for packing my lunch and for pre-packaging my own 100-calorie snacks.  I hate the waste of throwing them away after one use, but reusing them can be a hassle.   Bags that house messy items still go to the trash, but bags that held dry items such as crackers or a sandwich are easy to rinse and reuse, but not to dry.  I've tried drying them over glasses or silverware in the dish drainer, but not very successfully.  

This cute little creation is simply
  • a container of your choosing - in my case an extra-tall jelly canning jar 
  • weighted filler - I used pretty blue glass pebbles 
  • sticks - mine are skewers for grilling, pointy end down. (chop sticks would also work well)

You can create your own to fit your kitchen decor or color preference - the possibilities are endless.

I've racked my brain and searched all the "regulars" on my blog list - but I can't find the post where I read about this.  My apologies and thanks to whoever you are.  Great idea!


  1. Well wherever you found this - I also saw it too - - - and it is genious!!! I try to dry them in the drainer - they end up in the bottom of the drainer most of the time!

  2. Great idea! I like to reuse some of my baggies, too, but I just end up leaving them upside down on the counter to dry. This is a much better solution. Thanks. ;)

  3. That's a great idea. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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  5. What an excellent, simple idea!
