Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Reading Resolution

We have been seeing lots of posts in our reader this week concerning New Year's Resolutions, which got us to wondering if we should make some of our own. I (Tami) don't usually make resolutions because I've never kept one in my life, except for the resolution to not further burden myself with the guilt of making more resolutions I won't keep. However, we have learned a few lessons in our brief time as part of the blogging world and these lessons led us (mainly Tami, since she's most guilty) to make one promise for the new year. It is so easy to get sucked into the vortex of challenges, memes, contests, lists, special events, reading blogs and reviews, and planning for what we're going to read, that there is no time left to actually read. Therefore, our resolution is simple - to keep it about the books. We're not in this for fame and glory, we're just sharing our enthusiasm for a good book and making some new friends along the way. While you will see us participating in all these fun activities from time to time, we resolve to fight the lure of participating to the exclusion of real reading time. We wish you all a Happy New Year and a year full of wonderful stories.


  1. GREAT message! I have come to realize that I often spend most of my discretionary reading time on the internet rather than in a book. I need to work on more of a balance in 2010.

    Happy New Year to the both of you!

  2. Your Resolution is perfect!

    Have a great Happy and Healthy New Year.

  3. Your resolution is spot on. I have cut back on my memes and selected my challenges to fit my reading desires for the upcoming year. Now if I could stop spending so much time reading other blogs I'd be okay. Anyway, hope you are both warm and safe as you bring in the new year. Happy 2010 to you.
