It was a busy week at our house, but I still managed to make progress in the Pin It/Do It Challenge. While the kids were here, we tried Pumpkin Pie Dip with apples and pears, and Banana Oat Breakfast Cookies.
The dip was good - tastes exactly like pumpkin pie filling, but fluffier - but a little went a long way - very sweet! The cookies were not as successful. I made them because we have one family member who doesn't tolerate glutin. She thought they were pretty good compared to other glutin-free cookies she's tried. I also thought they were good, but not great, as a low calorie dessert or breakfast alternative. I may try them again with a few tweaks to the recipe.
Also during our family weekend, we held a scavanger hunt inspired by The Taylor House. You can read the details of our hunt in this post.
When things settled down, I returned to crafting and made these adorable paper trees. These are all over Pinterest in various versions. I seem to have deleted the pin that originally inspired me, so my apologies to whoever came up with the idea of using book pages. You can also use rubber stamps to create your own design, or two-sided scrapbooking paper for a more colorful option (see pic below).
My version |
These take seconds to make. Trace and cut a half circle from paper, make three folds, trim bottom edge, glue on paper scrap for trunk - done. I tried embellishing some with stickers to look like ornaments, but liked the simple version the best. They can be used as gift tags, as garland, on cards - endless possibilities.
I hung some from a dowel rod, just to get an idea of how they would look mixed with some rustic ornaments. I love the combination and will either use them on a small tree or hung from garland around a door frame (since I don't have a mantle).

Next on the list was a Gratitude Journal. My daughter, son's girlfriend, sister and niece will be joining me in keeping track of the many things we have to be grateful for. We are each finding our own notebook/journal to use and adorning it as we choose. The only requirement is that the book have 52 pages or more, so that you have at least one page per week. More pages are preferable. I started with a sketch book from Hobby Lobby with a blank, cardboard cover. I used scrapbooking paper, stickers, old book pages and good, ole Elmer's glue to decorate my cover. I still need to subdivide the pages into months and add tabs. Completing the inside of the journal is also up to personal interpretation. I hope to create a page or two per week, using journaling, pictures and memorabilia. Big events/occasions will hopefully take up several pages.
Finally, I made two original creations based on craft ideas I had pinned. During Week 2 of the challenge, I made a pillowcase using the "hot dog" method. (Excellent video tutorial) Yesterday, as I was searching patterns for quick tote bags, it struck me that I could use the same "hot dog" method, adjust the measurements and add handles. Voila!

Do not adjust your screen. Yes, I'm aware the handles are off center. When figuring the placement, I forgot to figure the seam allowance. There was math involved and . . . well, I'll get it right next time. Just like a pillowcase, the cuff is double-sided, but the body of the bag is unlined. Because of that, I used a French seam on the side so that no raw edges were visible at the bag opening. (If you're not familiar with French seams, you can find dozens of tutorials on Pinterest and Youtube.) My finished bag is approximately 9x12, but I'm anxious to try them in various sizes to use as a Nook tote, for carrying sewing projects, book bag, etc. They would also make a great gift bag that the recipient could actually keep and use.
My second adaptation of a pin involved the journal covers I made last week. The covers were made to fit a 9 3/4" x 7 1/2" composition book. I ran across mini-composition books at a dollar store and made a cute purse-size version.
I didn't bother to piece the cover since it is so small, but you certainly could if you prefer. This size requires a piece of fabric approximately 5x7". Finish the short ends, fold flaps and stitch, turn right-side-out, press and you're done.
I have surpassed my goal of doing 8 pins during the month of October, but with Christmas creeping up, I'll be crafting steadily for awhile.