Wednesday, February 9, 2011


If you follow our little blog in a reader or some other form where the content is automatically sent to you, first off - thank you!  Secondly, my apologies for my inadequacies at using Blogger.  Every time I try to use the quote function, Blogger kindly (or not) rearranges my paragraphs when it publishes.  I'm sure this is some shortcoming on my part and no fault of Blogger, but it's incredibly annoying and makes me look like a Loser. 

So - if you received a copy of the post below, entitled ...and Again, and it makes even less sense than usual, then you may have received one of the six - count em, SIX - attempts I made to publish that post with indented quotes.  I eventually exhausted my cuss word vocabulary and removed that function.  I ask that you please hit the link to the actual blog site and read it in the order it was intended. 

Again, thank you so much for stopping by and my apologies for any confusion I may have caused.

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