Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dewey's Read-A-Thon

Line up your books, stockpile snacks, take the kids to the sitter and send the hubby fishing.  Saturday, October 22 is the next Read-A-Thon.   This will be my fourth time participating.  (Dave will probably have to work since the corn is as high as an elephant's eye.*)

If you've never tried the Read-A-Thon before, go here to sign up.  There's no rules, no pressure, and no consequences if you don't last all 24 hours.  As a matter of fact, after the first one I, like, totally gave up on the whole 24-hour concept.  I have rejected the reality of 24 hours taking an actual 24 hours, and substituted my own reality of being able to be soooo fully conscious and present in my book reading that I can achieve total reading saturation in only 12 hours - and then go to sleep.  So if you, too, are waaaaay beyond the staying up all night stage, just participate for whatever portion of your day works for you.  The read-a-thon kicks off at 6:00 am in my time zone (Central US).  (Yes, Virginia, there is a 6:00 in the morning.  Who knew?)   I don't even pretend - the odds of me getting up at that hour for anything less than a royal wedding would make the Vegas bookies laugh.  My read-a-thon runs from 8:00-ish to whenever-I'm-done, with frequent snack breaks . . . and potty breaks . . . and medication breaks.

Seriously, there are fun games and challenges, cheerleaders to keep you going, and a great community of readers to join.  You don't have to have a blog to participate - all you need is a love of reading . . . and snacks.  

*Name that tune.

1 comment:

  1. I love this event and asked my mom to help with the baby that weekend so I could participate. New moms need some time to relax!
