Saturday, October 29, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Discovered I like to create puzzles.

Didn't have much to write about, so my posts this week were puzzles I created.  Turned out to be lots of fun.  Scroll down and play along.  No prizes, just the right to wear a self-satisfied smirk.

Six Word Saturday is sponsored by Cate at ShowMyFace.  Want to play along?  Just describe your life (or something in it) in a phrase using exactly six words.  For more information click here.  You can add an explanation, a video, a song or nothing at all.  Visit Cate's blog to link your entry or to read all entries.


  1. The picture puzzles are fun, and it provided you with a perfect six word Saturday post!

  2. I enjoyed the puzzles you created this week! Challenging ones indeed!!

    Have a good weekend!


  3. Did very well with the language stuff and collage, but the book covers totally stumped me.

  4. You know that puzzle was hard! (my six words about your book cover puzzle)
    Happy 6WS, Tami! :)
    It's been a while since I visited here. You might remember that I was born on a farm outside of Herman, Nebraska. Herman has about 100 more people than yours.

  5. What a great idea for posts!

    It's also fun to discover something new about ourselves.

  6. The puzzles are fun. You are very creative to have come up with them, I'm not too sure how well I would have done but it would be fun to try.
