Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hour 8 - The Book Sentence Challenge

Compose a sentence using only the titles of books on your shelves.  Sounds simple enough.  Oh, so misleading!  If I ever write a novel, the title will begin with a verb just to make things easier for future challenges.  Here's my best effort:
After the rain, Lark and Termite, famous investigators, 
ride the dark trail around the world in eighty days.

Hey, nobody said it had to be a good sentence.


  1. lol, it IS a good sentence. And I so with you on the verb titles!! Less "the"s and more action words, authors!! ;)

  2. That is a FANTASTIC sentence! And I'm with you. Why do authors never think of us poor book bloggers when titling their novels? They have to think about things like marketing appeal. Phooey. ;)
