Thursday, March 14, 2013

UFO's: The Books

A couple days ago I posted about my crafting UFO's (UnFinished Objects).  It was an embarrassingly long list of things I've planned, started and never finished.  Occurred to me that I have a similar, if not larger, issue with UFB's (UnFinished Books).  Not technically unfinished, most are un-begun.  Yes, I know we all have our TBR (to be read) piles and lists of books we want from the library and wish lists for future purchases and gifts.  But, like all the in-progress crafts, having unread books stacked around the house and continually acquiring more is poor stewardship.  

I got rid of boxes and boxes of books when we moved two years ago, so was down to a minimum of unread books - just the few that I really wanted to read.  As I purchased new books, I sat them on the dresser.  Soon they overtook that space and climbed the shelves along one side of the mirror.  Then up the other side.  I finally had to move them to the top of the dresser.

The paperbacks remain on a side shelf:
And then there's the original shelf that moved with us: 

That's more than fifty "real" books acquired in the last two years, plus about 20 more on the Nook - and not read!  The books purchased and actually read is a whole other thing

Once again - you all are my witnesses - no more stockpiling books.  Yes, there are exceptions - there are certain authors that I really must read as soon as they're published.  I'm not going cold turkey here.  But I will find as many as possible at the library and I am hereby avoiding bookstores and book sites until I've read a large portion of these.

This is the part where, as you did at the end of the craft post on Tuesday, you all nod your heads and pretend to believe that will happen.  Thank you.


  1. That is a lot of books!! I wasn't quite extreme, but I did build up a collection of unread books a few years back. I had to literally force myself not to go onto Amazon, LOL, until I read through them. Now I rarely buy a book; get them from the library or if I review one. I'm sure you'll get through your stack some day!


  2. I have read God's Guest List! I have done the same with this last move - I donated books to the Glen Elder Library and moved just a few shelves that I really wanted to read. I have not purchased any - I have been given a couple. I have purchased some on my Kindle. Enjoy your books!
